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- Chess Newsletter Issue 10
Chess Newsletter Issue 10
Endings - Stalemate Tactics
👋 Hi Chess Enthusiast
Stalemate Tactics
This tactic can be used to escape with a draw especially when you are in a losing position in the endgame.
There is no better way to learn this tactic apart from solving as many puzzles as possible.
Today, we will see a few puzzles on this concept. You can try few more by downloading the attached puzzles at the end.
Black to play and make a draw
Here, if you notice, white just played Qh6 and is completely winning with the plan of Qg7 or Qh7 checkmate next move.
However, black can escape with a draw using the stalemate tactic.
Here, black can play Rf6 check, now white king has to capture f6 rook leading to a stalemate.
Find the stalemate tactic that white can use here
Here, black is completely winning with two extra pawns but white can use the stalemate tactic to escape with a draw
Qh3 Qh3 stalemate
More puzzles to learn
White to play and escape with a draw
Here, white king is in stalemate situation, white just will have to get rid of the queen to escape with a stalemate draw.
Qh1 Kh1 Stalemate
Black to play and make a draw
Rc4 Bc4 stalemate
Puzzle of the day
Black to play and make a draw
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Download the below file to solve more pin puzzles and share your answers or doubts to [email protected]
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That concludes this edition of our newsletter. Keep practicing, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of your chess skills.
In the next newsletter on Thursday, we will learn about the blunders made by Grandmasters.
Ramalingam Karthik