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- Chess Newsletter Issue 18
Chess Newsletter Issue 18
Pin, Skewer, Fork Puzzles
đź‘‹ Hi Chess Enthusiast
While trying to solve the example puzzles, use your chessboard and try the puzzles before seeing the answers below.
There are 3 example puzzles. After solving the example puzzles, try solving the exercise puzzles and share your answers to [email protected]
Example Puzzles
Black to play and mate in two (Use pin concept)
Qh3 Kh1 Qg2#
When black plays Qh3, white pawn on g2 can’t take the queen as it is pinned by the bishop on b7.
White to play and win a queen in two moves (Skewer)
Qh3 Kf4
Qg3 Ke4
Qb8 wins the queen for white
Black to play and win a piece (Concept: Fork)
Qb4 and attacks the Rook on e1 and threatens a checkmate on b2.
White can’t avoid both at the same time and would lose the rook.
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Now, it’s time to try some puzzles on your own.
Send the answers for the below puzzles to [email protected]
Exercise Puzzles (Pin, Fork, Skewer)
White to play (Concept: Pin)
White to play and win (Concept: Pin)
White to play (Concept: Skewer)
White to play and win (Concept: Fork)
White to play and win (Concept: Fork)
Share your answers to [email protected]
Download the below file to solve some checkmate puzzles and share your answers or doubts to [email protected]
Download and try these interesting puzzles and share your answers writing to [email protected]
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That concludes this edition of our newsletter. Keep practicing, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of your chess skills.
You will be receiving newsletter on your weekends (Saturday and Sunday) going further.
Ramalingam Karthik