Chess Newsletter Issue 9

Overloaded Pieces


👋 Hi Chess Enthusiast

In Today’s Newsletter, we will learn about a middle game tactics called Overloaded Pieces


Overloaded Pieces

A piece is said to be overloaded (Having too many jobs) when that piece is given too may duties at the same time. These duties can include protection of pieces or key squares as well as blockade of diagonals, files or ranks


Let us see some examples to understand this


Can you find the overloaded piece here?


Here, the black pawn on e6 is the overloaded piece as it is having two jobs. One is supporting the bishop on f5 and other is supporting the knight on d5.

So, white plays bishop to d5 and captures the knight, black would capture the bishop back on d5 using e6 pawn. Now, the e6 pawn stops supporting the f5 bishop. So, the white rook can capture the bishop.


.More puzzles to learn


Find the overloaded piece for black and find the winning plan for white?


Here, the black rook on f8 is doing two jobs, supporting the e8 checkmate square and f7 checkmate square.

So, white plays Knight to f7 and deflects the black rook as black has to capture the knight. Now, white can play rook to e8 to checkmate.


White to play and win?


Here, the black queen on a5 is controlling two important squares, one being d8 and the other being b5.

So, now white can play queen to b5,

If black plays queen to b5, Rd8#

If black plays kf8, Rd8 wins

If black plays bd7, qd7 wins


Puzzle of the day


Can you find the winning plan for white?


Challenging puzzle


Black to play and win?


Share your answers to [email protected]


Download the below file to solve more pin puzzles and share your answers or doubts to [email protected]


Middle game puzzlesDownload and try these puzzles1.11 MB • PDF File


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That concludes this edition of our newsletter. Keep practicing, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of your chess skills.


In the next newsletter on Thursday, we will learn about some of the blunders made my great grandmasters.



Ramalingam Karthik


Chess With Ramkar